Tuesday, June 30, 2009

This Guy Knows how to Play Blues Guitar

Buddy Guy is an artist whose recognition only arrived these past 15 years of his 73 year life. It pleased me to finally get a live taste of his blues cookin' on guitar this past Father's Day at WolfTrap. Buddy entertained the crowd throughout his set, which included some classic covers of Howlin' Wolf, Muddy Waters and Eric Clapton.

I especially enjoyed his very own "Skin Deep," from his most recent original release. It was soft and reflective, offsetting some strong guitar riffs he laid down for the crowd.

And "warm-up" Susan Tedeschi was again marvelous. I saw her perform around her birthday a few years ago at the Birchmere, and Susan was reveling in a standout performance along with Derek. Her blues and voice do burn, and do so more so as she grows further into her bluesy voice.

Overall, when including the beautiful evening weather, I could only revel in a great ending to father's day.

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